Dear friends !!!
Soon, the time of the (katholic) christmas, the beautiful new year, then the orthodox christmas and finally the old new year begins, and, of course, we all want to make a present for our relatives and friends.
Are you are on «Vkontakte» or «Odnkklassniki»? Then get started!
We are starting a special Сhristmas-offer! You have an opportunity, if you live in Europe, to fill up your money in social networks, like «OK» in «Odnoklassniki» or «Voices» in «Vkontakte». You get this only by RuLine. But the most important thing is: until the 15 January 2016 you get an offer from 20 to 30% (plus the additional christmas offers oft he social networks themselves) and you can spend money without thinking about it!
Hurry up! Your friends will appreciate the given attention and the presents and they will be happy about the christmassy mood, which you and RuLine gave them!
Hard to repeat,
none can better do it!
Just press the link

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Best Regards,
Yours - Team |